Keep your distance from bears. .
If you are attacked, do not play dead. Black bear attacks are extremely rare, but they do happen on occasion. People have successfully defended them­selves . A recent study (Fatal Attacks by American Black Bear on People: 1900-2009) found that whilst defensive attacks often involve female bears, predatory attacks are much more usually male bears within their range.This is particularly bad news as males are generally around a third bigger than females. When a black bear is threatened he usually runs from the . Concentrate your attack on the bear's face, eyes, and nose.

If you encounter a black bear, keep these tips in mind: Be bear . The department says most black bears shy away from people. Do not "play dead." Help protect others by reporting all bear incidents to a park ranger immediately. The more accustomed to people the bears became, the less likely they were to cause injury.Between 1900 and 2007, wild black bears killed 60 people across North America. They aren't hunting us. The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear. Black bears are capable of killing people, but it is an extremely rare occurrence. The incident was the fifth death this year from black and grizzly bear attacks in North America, seemingly a rise compared to recent years. Science Daily, from the May 2008 Journal of Mammalogy Black bears that eat human food and garbage do not necessarily learn this behavior from their mothers as previously assumed. Black bears are curious, intelligent and they learn from experience, as do some people. They do not attack humans to defend territory. Attacks on humans are rare. Defensive attacks are the most common type of bear attack. A bear will not attack while standing. In this article you'll learn how to not only avoid potential encounters, but what to do should you actually get attacked. Here are tips should you come in close contact with a bear: Stop, remain calm, and assess the situation. But it is the wrong thing to do if you're being attacked by a predatory bear. Like nearly all wildlife, bears have a natural fear of humans. Black bears usually retreat before people are aware of them. Brown bear (a subspecies of which are known as grizzly bears) incidents have occurred in their native range spanning Alaska, Northern and Western Canada, and portions of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. But, two species of bears that are the most dangerous are grizzly and polar bears. Do American black bears have any predators? Make more noise, wave your arms, and throw objects at the bear. Black bears, however, do not respond well to humans playing dead in the cannonball position. Of the 82 fatal black bear attacks in North America, 66 or just over 80% have been from wild bears. The best course of action is then to fight back. According to the North American Bear Center in Ely, Minnesota, black bears have killed 61 people across North America since 1900. Oregon wildlife officials killed a young black bear because people kept taking selfies with him. Black bears are excellent climbers. The last time someone was killed by a black bear in New Hampshire was 1784.

Generally, bears only attack humans to protect their food, cubs, or space so fighting back against a grizzly bear will typically only worsen an attack whereas playing dead may help the bear . This means that people are actually more dangerous than bears. dont we give them a reason? The dog may run to its owner for protection as the bear follows close behind. Some interesting statistics: the youngest person killed was a child of only five months of age . Black bears, for example, have fatally attacked 82 people in North America. Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,Reference from:,
Most of the time, a black bear has no interest in engaging with people; the bears that do, more often than not, are those habituated to human garbage or handouts. . Annapolis, Md (KM) Attacks by black bears on humans are very rare, but they do happen. A group of hikers in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park ended their trek in horror after discovering a bear dining on human remains. In rare cases, black bears can attack. When people tried to pet bears that were not used to it, some bears defensively nipped or cuffed people, causing minor injuries, but the bears did not attack.

If you surprise a grizzly/brown bear and it charges or attacks, do not fight . You should try to scare them off and physically defend yourself. 12. Here's how to survive a bear attack from a black bear: Bear experts there say your chances of . Most charges are bluffs, and bears often stop or veer to the side at the last moment. Share to Facebook. He says in most cases, black bears try to avoid people. If bears frequently obtain food from humans, they can quickly become overly aggressive and demanding toward people, just like New York City residents. The study also noted that attacks were relatively more likely in the north, i.e.

He had already lost two friends to bears and knew that when they do attack there was . In the unlikely event a black bear attacks you (where actual contact is made), fight back aggressively using your hands, feet, legs, and any object you can reach. Black bears, like all wild animals, should be treated as unpredictable animals. Watch the bear as you leave the area. Cubs are most vulnerable to attack from predators such as mountain lions, wolves and other bears. Since 1900, there have been 67 fatalities in North America linked to black bears. What to Do if a Black Bear Attacks. Do not use capsaicin spray on objects or plants as a bear repellent, it may actually attract bears. While walking the North Carolina arm of the Hazel Creek . A greater proportion of fatal attacks occur in the northern parts of the black bear's range, perhaps because these bears are less habituated to people or more food-stressed than southern bears. The wild animal charged him and tackled him to the ground before he could run awa. Black bears do not "hibernate" in the textbook sense of the word, by dropping into a completely unconscious state with greatly reduced metabolism. American black bears and Eurasian brown bears have a record of attacking humans the most . Their hearing is more sensitive than a human's, and their broad, soft foot pads allow them to move quietly downwind where they can best identify their dangers. "There were 3.5 times as many fatal attacks in Canada and Alaska, but there were only 1.75 times as many black bears and much less human contact (due to fewer people in black bear habitat) for . The exception is. Many species of bears are very aggressive and are known to attack humans. Normally, bears smell humans from a distance and avoid us if they can. Actual attacks by black bears are rare. Focusing your blows on the bear's snout and face is an excellent deterrent. Bears that attack you in your tent or confront you aggressively in your campsite or cooking area should also be considered a predatory threat. However, with human encroachment on bear habitats, black bear attacks are not unheard of and should be taken seriously. This week, a bear bit a woman's head and dragged her from her garage before she escaped—the second mauling since December . Do not "play dead." Help protect others by reporting all bear incidents to a park ranger immediately. Aim for the eyes or spray bear spray into the bear's face. If you are physically attacked by a black bear, fight back aggressively with any available object--the bear may consider you as prey! Researchers…. Source. Black bears are omnivores and will eat almost anything available. When a bear attacks a human, it is in self-defense, or they're protecting their young. To give that in perspective, that puts the risk of strangling yourself in your own bedsheets roughly 160 times more dangerous.

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